Slovenian hops that makes beer of excellent taste.

Ever since 1952, company Hmezad has been building its reputation among brewers in the domestic and foreign markets. Due to processing and marketing services of HMEZAD exim d.d., today it is one of the most important companies in the world, which is engaged in the purchase and processing of hops and the integrated marketing of hop products.
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grown since 1876

»For a quart of Ale is a dish for a King.«

– William Shakespeare


High-quality equipment, supply of quality materials and up-to-date consulting increase productivity and are a prerequisite for the production of premium hop products. We provide the hop growers with full support in the production of hops.

Important Update! - Hmezad webshop

Hmezad WebShop has merged with Hopsi Shop to bring you an even better shopping experience!
You’ll now find all your favorite brewing ingredients and supplies at, the same great products, the same quality, just under one roof!
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